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Christiana Xenophontos: Young people and women need to be represented


As young candidates we can bring fresh perspectives and a commitment to peace-building, says one of the youngest Cypriot candidates who is running for the European Elections this Sunday with DISY

New generations have grown up in a more connected world, with greater access to diverse perspectives, believes Christiana Xenophontos, who is the youngest candidate running for the European Parliament Elections this Sunday with DISY.

Mrs Xenophontos talks to the Voice , about her decision to enter politics and her priorities in case she will be elected. She also answers the criticism against the party she is running with and whether she believes a federal solution in Cyprus still can be achieved.

Question:What intrigued you to make the big step to run as a candidate for the elections for the European Parliament?

Xenophontos: I belong to a generation that has been growing up with our island becoming a full member of the European Union. And I feel grateful to be given the chance to experience all these opportunities that the EU offers us. Moreover, my background in Political Science and International Relations but also my experience in the youth eco-system the last 10 years gave me the angle of understanding that the European Union has been our biggest political achievement in our recent history. We have to feel proud about our European identity and keep constantly trying to make it stronger.

And here allow me to stress my commitment to the idea of further European integration. The European Union represents a unique political and economic union that promotes peace, stability, and cooperation among member states. I am motivated by a desire to strengthen this unity and address challenges such as populism and nationalism.

And this desire led me to run for a position in the European Parliament, in order also to work for the protection of the core values of the EU: Democracy, Inclusivity and Human Rights. These values have been growing stronger since 2018 when I started representing Cypriot youth in the European Youth Forum. Under my capacity as the first elected Cypriot to serve as the Vice President in the biggest youth platform in Europe and the world, I have been collaborating with the European Institutions for achieving youth rights. Thus, I do believe that the European Parliament needs MEPs who understand how the EU is working and how the EU institutions are functioning and above all needs MEPs who will work towards a stronger European Union through a stronger democratic representation of the voices of our fellow citizens.

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Question:How important is it for people of your age and gender to finally start representing Cyprus in a more fair way?

Xenophontos : It’s super important considering that both young people and women are underrepresented. It’s a shocking and a sad fact that at the moment out of the 705 MEPs only 3 are under the age of 30. And I hope that my candidacy will urge more young people and women to run for positions. I do believe that as young people and women we have a big role to play in the policy making process but also in our biggest challenge that demands a solution: the Cyprus problem. Let’s not forget that Cyprus is a divided country with a complex history of conflict and division. As young candidates we can bring fresh perspectives and a commitment to reconciliation and peace-building. We can work towards bridging divides between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities, fostering dialogue and understanding.

Question: Do you think that new generations are bringing positive change when it comes to more humane and progressive views towards immigration, feminism and LGBTQ+ issues?
Xenophontos: Let’s acknowledge that younger generations have grown up in a more connected world, with greater access to diverse perspectives, thanks also to the EU, through the internet and social media. This exposure often leads to increased empathy and understanding of different experiences and challenges faced by immigrants, women, and LGBTQI+ individuals. Personally, I am among the candidates who signed the pledge Come out 4 Europe which you can find here: https://comeout.eu/country/cyprus/

Questions :Should you be elected to the European Parliament what will you prioritize to do?
Xenophontos: If my fellow Cypriot citizens support me and trust me with their vote on the 9th of June my priorities will reflect the current and on-going challenges that we are facing both on a national and a European level. My focus will be on fostering a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous future for all, with main thematic priorities: peace and reconciliation in Cyprus, social justice and equality, youth empowerment and mental health. You can find my political manifesto here (is in Greek): https://linktr.ee/ChristianaXen

Question :The Democratic Rally (DISY) has occasionally been criticized for maintaining a hardline when it comes to immigrants’ human rights and Turkish/ or Turkish Cypriots rights to exist as equal citizens in a possible united island. How would you react to that assumption?

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Xenophontos: Since its establishment, DISY has been the political party representing patriotic realism and has been identified with the desire for a solution to the Cyprus problem through the parameters of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation. Time has obviously caused many cracks in the road to reunification, but I am sure that as soon as conditions allow, as was the case in 2004 referendums, DISY will be consistent with its history and legacies. We are the pro European party belonging to the biggest political group, EPP, that a few weeks ago played its role in the voting for the establishment of the Migration and Asylum pact. Personally and I want to make it clear, I stand for Human Rights for which I do not accept any discount for any reason.

Question: What are your views on the future of Cyprus? Do you think we can still achieve a federal solution?

Xenophontos : I am aware of the situation and I know that achieving a federal solution to the Cyprus problem is challenging at the moment. However, it remains possible if we remain determined and if we keep our commitment to cooperate and work together for a solution. As a politician of the younger generation, I am optimistic about the future of Cyprus and willing to work endlessly until we achieve a solution that will allow our communities to live together peacefully.

Question: Any ideas on specific things that you could suggest from the European Parliament to improve the quality of life of people from both sides of the divide?

Xenophontos : I would advocate for several initiatives from the European Parliament aimed at improving the quality of life for people on both sides of the divide in Cyprus. These initiatives would focus on promoting reconciliation, economic development, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and equal access to mental health services.

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