Dr. Fazıl Küçük, who led his people as a doctor, journalist, father, and politician during the years of struggle for existence and freedom, is being commemorated with ceremonies on the 41st anniversary of his death.
Two separate ceremonies were held in his honour on Wednesday: the first at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Monument and the second at the Atatürk Cultural Center in Lefkoşa.
The first event took place at the Dr. Fazıl Küçük Monument, beginning at 10:26 AM with the laying of wreaths. Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar signed the Monument’s Special Book and delivered a speech, marking the conclusion of the ceremony.
“During the 1963 Christmas attacks on the Turkish Cypriot people, when a hundred of our villages were burned and destroyed in an attempt to annihilate us, and half of our population became refugees, living in tents in different parts of Lefkoşa under dire conditions, Dr. Küçük was there with us. As a doctor, together with his wife Mrs. Süheyla, they led this people, and their leadership was invaluable to us” Tatar said.
Tatar stressed that Dr. Küçük would always maintain his place in history as a symbol of the Turkish Cypriot people’s struggle.
The second ceremony, a memorial program was held at the Atatürk Cultural Centre in the morning.
Speeches were delivered by Selen Süheyla Küçük, the granddaughter of Dr. Fazıl Küçük, and Ersin Tatar during the event. The program concluded with a performance by the Anadolu Fine Arts High School Oratory Group.
( Source : BRT News)