Voice Cyprus News

Greek and Turkish Cypriots call for more crossing points


Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots united their voices calling for the opening of new crossing points along the Green Line, facilitation of procedures for crossing and the reunification of Cyprus within the framework of a bizonal bicommunal federation.

The event took place on Saturday at the Ledra Palace Hotel under the slogan “We open new roads – We reunite Cyprus”.

The event was held on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the opening of the first crossing point in Cyprus.

In two parallel marches have started on either side of the Ledra Street checkpoint and the demonstrators marched towards Ledra Palace in the buffer zone . The Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot demonstrators have met in front of the House of Cooperation.

During the event, the demonstrators shouted slogans in favour of peace and a solution to the Cyprus problem and delivered a statement to the UN.

The statement noted, that the current crossing points cannot meet the needs of the people crossing and that formalities and unnecessary procedures create further obstacles to crossings. Therefore it is stated that there is an urgent need for simplified and efficient procedures to reduce long queues and bureaucracy.

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