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Karoullas “Volt seeks to bring to the Cypriot political scene a new political culture”


Pieros Karoullas, Press Spokesman of Volt Cyprus, said that Volt Cyprus will bring a new political culture to the political scene in Cyprus.
He stated that the political agenda of the party gives weight to the political axes of the Cyprus problem, Economy, Society, Education and Health.
On the Cyprus problem he says “the party will work to promote a just and sustainable solution, which will satisfy the interests of all Cypriots”, supporting the Bizonal Bicommunal Federation as the only just and sustainable solution for the Cyprus problem”.
He also says that Volt is ready to run in the upcoming elections.
On the occasion of the establishment of Volt Cyprus we discussed on the basic goals of the party, its agenda, the Cyprus problem, Economy and the upcoming elections with Pieros Karoullas, Press Spokesman of Volt Cyprus, in an interview he granted to Voice International.

Question: In recent decades we have witnessed the emergence of many parties on the political scene. What does the new Cyprus Volt seek to bring?
Pieros: Volt seeks to bring to the Cypriot political scene a new political culture, based on the principles of transparency, participation and responsibility. We believe that politics should be accessible to all citizens and serve their interests.
In particular, Volt has as its main objectives:
• To stand in the way of the rise of conservatism, the extreme right and populism.
• To contribute to the effort to achieve a solution to the Cyprus issue and to expand inter-community cooperation
• To strengthen citizens’ participation in governance, through direct democracy and e-democracy.
• To promote integrity and transparency in public administration.
• To ensure the sustainable development of Cyprus, with respect for the environment and human rights.

Question: What are the main axes on which your political agenda will move?
Pieros: The main axes of the political agenda of Volt Cyprus are the following:
• Cyprus problem: We believe that the only solution to the Cyprus problem is the reunification of the country, based on the principle of the Bizonal Bicommunal Federation with Political Equality. The party will work to promote a solution that satisfies the interests of all Cypriots, ends the occupation and gets rid of guarantees and military forces of third countries.
• Economy: Volt will promote policies to boost green growth, promote innovation and create quality jobs.
• Society: Volt believes that Cypriot society should be open, democratic and inclusive. The party will promote policies to protect human rights, fight discrimination and promote social justice.
• Education: We believe that education is the foundation for a better society. The party will promote policies to strengthen public education, accessibility to higher education and the development of vocational training. Our general position is the complete separation of State and Church, especially in matters related to education.
• Health: Volt believes that health is a right of all citizens. The party will promote policies to strengthen the public health system, access to quality health services and protect public health.
Question: On the Cyprus problem. More and more political forces are deviating from the agreed basis and solution framework, while the division is entrenched. What is Volt’s position on the Cyprus problem?
Pieros: Volt believes that the only solution to the Cyprus problem is the reunification of the country, based on the principle of the Bizonal Bicommunal Federation(BBF) with Political Equality, as determined by the UN resolutions. The party will work to promote a just and sustainable solution, which will satisfy the interests of all Cypriots.
We reject the attempts to create two states in Cyprus, as it believes that these will lead to a permanent division of the country. We believe that the BBF is the only solution that can ensure peace, stability and prosperity for all Cypriots. It is also our belief that the illusion of stability with the status quo is dangerous for Cyprus and its people.

Question: The economy is undeniably in the public debate. What proposals will the Volt bring for a sustainable economy?
Pieros: Volt believes that the Cypriot economy should be based on sustainable principles, such as environmental protection, social justice and equal opportunities. To achieve this goal, the party will promote the following policies:
• Enhancing green growth: Volt will invest in the development of renewable energy sources, energy conservation and environmental protection. The party will also promote the implementation of a comprehensive strategy to tackle climate change.
• Fostering innovation: Volt will invest in research and development, as well as supporting entrepreneurship. The party believes that innovation is essential to the development of a sustainable economy.
• Creating quality job positions: Volt will promote policies to support workers, such as raising the minimum wage, protecting labor rights and providing quality education and training. The party believes that the creation of quality job positions is necessary to improve the quality of life of citizens.

Question: What is the party’s rationale for the upcoming elections in 2024? Shall we expect possible collaborations?
Pieros: Volt will participate in the upcoming elections in 2024, aiming to represent the values of transparency, participation and responsibility in the Cypriot political scene.
Our goal is for the ballot to reflect as much as possible the character of our party. We are a party that puts equality and rights as a priority and this can be seen in our structures but it will also be seen in our ballot.
We believe that Cypriot society needs a new political culture, based on the participation of citizens and serving their interests. Volt Cyprus is determined to contribute to this change.

Kallis Antounas-Voice International 2023

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