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Minimum wage accepted with a majority vote


The Determination of the Minimum Wage Commission, convened again today to discuss the objection made by the Hür Workers’ Union on the minimum wage determined at 15 thousand 750 Turkish Liras net (15,750TL) and 18 thousand 103 Turkish Liras gross (18,103TL) at a meeting held on July 12th.
Following representative views on the issue, the minimum wage has been accepted by a majority of 4 approvals from the state, 5 approvals from the employer and 5 no votes from the employee representatives.

The brut minimum wage will be determined as;

Hourly: 104.44 TL
Daily: 835.52 TL
Weekly: 4177,61 TL
Monthly: 18,103.00 TL

Accordingly, the minimum wage will be effective as of July 1st 2023.

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