Voice Cyprus News

20 years of free movement and Green Line trade in Cyprus bring people and communities together


Today marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the EU’s Green Line Regulation for Cyprus. The Regulation has enabled Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots to cross the ‘Green Line’ and the United Nations’ controlled buffer zone in Cyprus, helping to build trust between the two communities and pave the way to Cyprus’ reunification.
The EU Commision said on Monday that since its entry into force in April 2004, the Green Line has been crossed in both directions more than 64 million times.

Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots cross the Green Line for a variety of reasons: to shop and eat in restaurants in the other community due to cheaper prices or a different range of products; to visit cultural monuments or different towns; or simply, to visit friends. Businesses engage in Green Line trade and cross to meet their partners from the other community. Some Turkish Cypriots also work and study in the government-controlled areas.
The Green Line has been critical to ensure that both communities can freely enjoy their day-to-day lives and reap the many benefits that both communities have to offer.
The Regulation also lays down rules concerning trade from the northern part of the island, where EU legislation is suspended, to the territory of the Republic of Cyprus under the control of the government of Cyprus, which is part of the EU’s Single Market. Commission efforts to boost Green Line trade have contributed to increasing the value of trade to a record €16 million in 2023, a stark jump from €6.2 million in 2021.

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To further strengthen Green Line trade, the Commission launched a new €4 million support scheme in April 2024, which will offer financial grants and technical assistance to Turkish Cypriot SMEs so that they can engage in or maximise on Green Line trade. One of the challenges for these companies is to ensure that their products comply with EU standards, which is a requirement for their placement on the EU market. These EU-funded projects will assist them in achieving this.
In November 2023, the Commission also launched an ‘EU One Stop Shop supporting Green Line Trade and Businesses’ in Nicosia, designed to provide information, advice, and support to both Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot producers and traders interested in trading across the Green Line.
The whole of Cyprus is part of the EU. However, in the northern part of the island, where the Government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control, EU legislation is suspended. Since 1974, the ceasefire line (referred to as the ‘Green Line’) has separated the two parts of the island.
The Green Line Regulation was adopted in April 2004. It sets out special rules for goods, services, and persons crossing the Green Line from the Turkish Cypriot community, which is outside the effective control of the government of the Republic of Cyprus and where the EU acquis is suspended, to the areas which are under the effective control of the government and where the acquis applies.
The Regulation aims to ensure that goods placed on the EU market comply with the relevant EU standards. It also seeks to ensure the free movement of people.
Since 2006, the EU has allocated €688 million to projects under the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community, to facilitate Cyprus’ reunification.

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