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Μaria Kola: The climate crisis doesn’t see a division in Cyprus


At her mid thirties, Maria Kola is running for a position at the European Parliament with the Green Party of Cyprus

Εxperienced Sales Service Executive and Mechanical Engineer, Maria Kola, took the brave decision to run with the Green Party as a candidate for the European Parliament.

She talks about her views on ecology and green issues in Cyprus, as well as the Cyprus issue and the challenges Europe is facing nowadays in an exclusive interview for Voice Cyprus News.

Should you be elected to the European Parliament, what will your priorities be?
My priorities for the European Parliament are Education and Youth as I consider youth one of the most crucial parts of our society. Considering the political party I represent, Environment including climate and energy, is one of my top priorities as well. In addition, Human Rights – including womens’ and LGBTQIA+ rights are also high on my agenda. I would also like to follow closely Health related issues, with more attention to Mental Health issues.

What is the most urgent green issue you would like to promote for Cyprus?
For Cyprus I would like to promote nature’s restoration, keeping in mind Akamas’ case to put pressure from the EU’s side to stop whatever is happening to harm Akamas ecosystem. Also, energy consumption is also very important for our country as we fall behind on our targets and we are led to energy poverty with no access to green and sustainable ways to power the island, which has a direct impact on people’s health. This comes again as the necessary pressure that is needed to be put from the EU institutions to Cyprus to actually develop the National Energy Strategy.

How important is it for ecology and the green issues to remember that our island is one?
Climate crisis and all the crises that are connected with the environment don’t “see” the division. We have a single environment that is affected by any activity and action that happens either on the island or around the world. Also, in more everyday problems, such as the use of pesticides, if the whole island doesn’t follow the same strategy on the matter, our food and life will be impacted directly.

What made you take the brave decision to run as a candidate?
The decision came natural for me due to my political involvement throughout the years and after running already 2 times for the national parliament. In addition, I truly believe in the European Union and the European values – democracy, solidarity and human rights. I grew up with the EU in my life and I lived the benefits of being an EU citizen and I want us to do more as a country within the structures and the framework of the EU, for Cyprus but also for the EU as well. Also, on a very personal note, I felt throughout the years that my generation and I are not represented in the European Parliament, so in order to change things for my generation and the future, the only way is to be able to influence politics and policies.

What is your position on the Cyprus issue ? What would you say to a Turkish Cypriot person that might be interested to vote for you and the Green Party?
Concerning the Cyprus issue, I feel the urge to resolve it, in a way that it will be fair to all Cypriots – not only the Green and Turkish speaking Cypriots, but to Maronites, Latins and Armenians as well. The country has been divided for many years and many generations have been born during this. It is about time to find a solution which won’t be dividing the people of the island anymore but instead it will bring them together. To be more practical, I would like to see our education system teach both official languages, Greek and Turkish. I would like to see the health system to be fair to all the citizens and the energy priorities to cover the whole island and for everybody to have equal access.
If a Turkish speaking Cypriot considers voting for the Green Party in the upcoming elections, I would say to them to go for it, as it is the only party who puts people first in all aspects!

According to your view, which are the biggest challenges Europe is facing nowadays ?
Europe for once more faces a democracy crisis, which results in the rising of the far right voices. We need to act on this collectively and tackle it united. All those extremist representatives, who are fighting European values instead of fighting for the European values. In addition, the refugee crisis is another huge challenge that the EU has to manage and again it needs a collective effort by the European institutions but also for all member-states to show solidarity and unity and try at least to understand each country’s national reality.

In 2024, the EU has to face other challenges that are affecting the European citizens in their daily lives, such as the financial crisis, which results in a housing crisis where we need to get all the good practices from the member-states who have tried to manage it and they have succeeded or they show signs of improvement such as Spain and Portugal.

I have faith in humanity and I believe that European values will win after all. We need to have in mind that we are all citizens of the same country and on the 9th of June we need to choose wisely who shall represent us to our European Community. It is very important to have a united voice through the 6 representatives of Cyprus, as we have very challenging times ahead of us. Greens always put people and society first and that should be the proper way to get us through. We need this change and if we don’t change things now, then when are we going to do it? If we are not the ones to change things, who will do it?

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