Voice Cyprus News

Teams from across the globe compete in Croatia to be crowned world’s best olive pickers

For the sixth year in a row, olive pickers gathered in Postira, Croatia to compete for the title of the world’s best olive picker.

Twelve teams from different countries have taken part in the World Olive Picking Championship in the Croatian village of Postira. The teams composed of four pickers each had 45 minutes to pluck as many olives as they could.
“It’s cool. I had no idea what to expect when we came here,” James Nea, a member of Ireland’s team, said. “It’s just a different thing! Also, none of us ever thought that we get to represent our country in a world championship. I’m picking while I’m talking!”
Croatia won for the fourth year in a row, with their haul weighing over 48 kilos. Montenegro, its neighbour, came second. But there were honourable mentions for teams from Germany and Ireland, who did well despite having no tradition of olive growing in their countries.
( Source Euronews)

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