Voice Cyprus News

US steps encouraging Southern Cyprus to arm itself do not contribute to regional stability: Türkiye


US steps encouraging the South Cyprus to arm itself further do not contribute to regional stability, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.
“As we have repeatedly emphasized together with the TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), the steps taken by the US at the expense of disrupting the balance on the Island of Cyprus and encouraging the Greek Cypriot administration’s armament do not contribute in any way to regional stability or to a just, sustainable and lasting settlement of the Cyprus issue,” said a ministry statement.
According to the statement, Türkiye strongly supports the statement made by the North Cyprus Foreign Ministry.
“We once again call on the US to reconsider these policies. We reiterate that Türkiye will continue to resolutely defend the rights and interests of the TRNC under all circumstances and conditions, within the framework of the responsibility stemming from our guarantor status,” the statement read.

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